Recover from your injury quickly and effectively with rehab services from Stevens Chiropractic. Our skilled chiropractors offer comprehensive chiropractic rehabilitation treatments for various physical issues. Contact us for:
- Electrotherapy - Electrotherapy is used to treat chronic pain, muscle deterioration, musculoskeletal injuries and nerve pain by utilizing a targeted and regulated electrical stimulation.
- Heat and Ice Therapy - Ice is used to reduce inflammation and the Heat encourages blood flow which speeds healing.
- Graston technique
- Acupuncture/Dry Needling
- Mobilization
- Physiotherapy - Physiotherapy provides pain relief, promotes healing for problems of the soft tissue or stimulate the muscles fibers to activate.
- Shockwave Therapy
We are a family-owned, locally operated business, and we care about our customers. While you struggle to deal with your pain, we promise to treat you with compassion and good humor. Feel safe and happy when you are at Stevens Chiropractic.
Call us today!
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